
Whether it's your share holders, your board, your executive team, or your own high standards, at the end of the day the results you and your team put forth are the yard stick by which you are measured. If you're like most of the head honcho's we've worked with you might be asking yourself:

  • Do I have the right leaders on my executive team?
  • What impact is our leadership team having on revenue?
  • Where do we have gaps that aren't being filled effectively?
  • What opportunities are there to work more effectively together?
  • How do we develop the skills necessary to reach the next level?
  • How can we generate more revenue with more consistency and greater margins?
  • What impact are my sales leaders having on their teams?
  • Can the existing team execute our strategies?
  • Do we have the right people in the right roles?
  • Why haven't our sales hires been more successful?
  • Which underperformers could be saved and what's in going to take to get them performing?
  • Are we tracking the right metrics to create predictive results?
  • Why isn't our forecasts more accurate?
  • What needs to change to improve our results?
  • What are my gaps and how can I shore up my weaknesses and capitalize on my strengths?
  • What impact am I having on revenue?


CEO Sales Expectations Worksheets for B2B companies


How we help CEOs like you

You have questions?

We provide answers backed with science.

We design tailored programs, help you implement structured processus, and develop your sales organization to get the growth you target.  

  • Sales Effectiveness and Improvement Analysis
  • Sales Infrastructure
  • Sales Process design and implementation
  • Sales Recruitement  (STAR - Sales Talent Acquisition Routine)